The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) Website (www.bir.gov.ph) is a transaction hub where the taxpaying public can conveniently access anytime, anywhere updated information on the Philippine tax laws and their implementing regulations and revenue issuances, including information on BIR Programs and Projects. It also contains copy of the Tax Code, BIR Forms, Zonal Values of real properties, and ...
The Uru are an indigenous people of Bolivia and Peru who live on self-made floating islands in Lake Titicaca. They use totora reeds for their boats, houses, food and medicine, and have a distinctive culture and history.
Learn about the Uros, an ancient tribe that lives on reed islands in the world's highest lake. Discover their culture, history, and how to visit them.
Learn about the Uros, an indigenous group who live on artificial islands made of reeds in Lake Titicaca. Discover their history, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and how to visit them on a tour.
The Uros are an indigenous group that lives on self-built islands of reeds in Lake Titicaca. Learn about their history, culture, challenges and attractions in this article.
Learn about the Uro tribe, their culture, history and lifestyle on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca. Discover how they build, maintain and use the reeds, and how tourism affects their way of living.
Learn about the Uros people, who live on reed islands in Lake Titicaca, Peru. Discover their history, culture, daily life, and how to visit this unique attraction.
Learn about the history, culture and lifestyle of the Uros people who live on reed islands in Peru. Find out how to visit the islands with or without a tour, and what to expect from the experience.
Experience the culture and traditions of the Uros, the guardians of the floating islands on Lake Titicaca. Book online and enjoy a guided tour, boat ride, lunch, and more.
The Uros people, a fascinating community residing on the floating islands of Lake Titicaca in Peru, have cultivated a unique lifestyle that is deeply intertwined with their environment. Living on islands made of totora reeds, the Uros have developed a culture that is as vibrant as it is resilient. Their traditions are not just remnants of the ...