
who saw you?可以写成who did you see?吗 他们有什么不同?


英语中who did you see?和whom did you see?并存,请运用语言学知识解释? - 知乎

按正宗老式英语应该是Whom did you see? whom与格,因为问的是宾语。但是现在英文不是越来越简化了吗?所以who用得也越来越多了

who saw you?可以写成who did you see?吗 他们有什么不同?_百度知道

Who saw you表示谁看见你了,who did you see是你看见谁了,确切地说应该是whom did you see? 百度首页; 商城; 注册; 登录; 网页; 资讯; 视频; 图片; 知道; 文库; 贴吧; 采购; 地图; 更多; 搜索答案 我要提问. who saw you?可以写成who did you see?吗 他们有什么不同? ...

Grammar Basics: Unit 46 - Who saw you? Who did you see?

Who / What can be used as either the subject of a question, or the object, when we want to ask about the subject / object.. Who is used when the subject / object is people: somebody, someone What is used when the subject / object is not a person - things, ideas, animals, etc.: something. Jack called Jill on the phone. ==> Who called Jill on the phone?

Who/whom: did you see? saw you? | WordReference Forums

Hello, I would add that the second sentence is an example of very formal English. In everyday conversation, as se16teddy mentioned, who would appear to be the best choice. By the way, while the who (sentence 1) functions as the subject, the whom is the object of the verb.

What is the difference between "Who did you see?" and ... - HiNative

Synonym for Who did you see? I think it'd be more appropriate to say "whom did you see", since 'whom' means 'to who' which means it's the object of the action, whereas "you" in both phrases is who does the action. "who did you see", even though it'd be the same as saying "did you see he?" I've seen it often; hence, the third phrase is correct since "who" is the person that 'saw' 'you'. Hope ...

grammaticality - Is 'who did see you?' grammatically correct? - English ...

Who saw you? and. Who did you see? mean completely different things. In Who saw you?, who is the subject of the sentence, so the word who is in the nominative case. In Who did you see?, who is actually the direct object of the sentence, so who is in the accusative case. You can understand this better if you convert the sentence like this: You ...

"whom did you see?" 和 "who did you see?" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

1. Whom did you see: whom = object, you = subject, did see = verb + auxiliary verb. "Whom" is a CORRECT object pronoun. 2. Who did you see: INCORRECT because "who" is not an object pronoun. In casual speech most people actually use #2.

"Who did you see?" 和 "Whom did you see?" 和 "Who saw you?" 和有什么不一样 ...

Who did you see?The first two are the same, but the third one is the opposite. First two: John walks past the door behind James, and waves at me. Me: "Hello!" James: "Who did you see?" Me: "I saw John." If you use "whom" I think it is technically more correct, but it sounds weird in casual conversation. Most people won't actually use it. Second one is more like: John: "I tried to take the keys ...

"Who did you see?" 和 "Whom did you see?" 和 "Who saw you ... - HiNative

Who did you see?I think it'd be more appropriate to say "whom did you see", since 'whom' means 'to who' which means it's the object of the action, whereas "you" in both phrases is who does the action. "who did you see", even though it'd be the same as saying "did you see he?" I've seen it often; hence, the third phrase is correct since "who" is the person that 'saw' 'you'.

who saw you?可以写成who did you see?吗 他们有什么不同?_作业帮

who saw you?谁看到你了 who did you see?你看到了谁
