


“小雨”应该翻译成“small rain”吗?

How to cope with anxiety 演讲者:Olivia Remes 语言:英语 简介:2017 |焦虑是最普遍的精神疾病之一,它不仅影响人们的睡眠、工作,甚至还有引发抑郁症,很多人通过药物治疗的方法企图解决焦虑症,但这并不是最好的方法。Olivia Remes 强调...


Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle. 明天多云,有阵雨和零星小雨。 3.pouring rain 倾盆大雨 雨像盆倒水一样大 We drove all the way through pouring rain.


△俄文翻译专家Migunova Olga 凤玲 △阿拉伯文翻译专家Mustafa Mohamed Ahmed Yahia 叶海亚 接着,让我们再和翻译专家们学几句标准又大气的英语~ ①新时代中国特色社会主义 Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era...

“a one”不是指“一个一”,那是什么意思呢?

英文解释:a device worn over the mouth and nose to prevent harmful substances from being breathed in 例:It's smart to use a respirator if you're working with paint. 如果你工作时要使用油漆,戴上防毒面具会是明智之举。

用故事记单词,事半功倍 之四级篇(5)|man|she|with|hoop|cushion|...

I like a place where you can feel at one with nature. 我喜欢一个你能感到与大自然融为一体的地方。 3、for one 就是其中之一(表达意见时用以加强语气) for最常见的翻译是为了,但是如果把for one翻译成为了一个,似乎也没...


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Lily who loved hula hoop dancing. She spent every day practicing her moves, but she always felt uncomfortable with the hard ground ...


可是,如果把绘图要求转换成英语呢:Draw a picture with bus and mouse. bus,科技英语中翻译为“总线”,日常英语中翻译为“公共汽车”。 mouse,科技英语中翻译为“鼠标”,日常英语中翻译...

不要再说 Go To Hospital 了!

If you have one switch, which is either on or off, there is nothing very mathematical about that, although mathematicians like to start there with their mathematics. But wi...
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