



二、毛纺系列纱线 Woollen Yarn Series 1、羊绒纱 Cashmere Yarn Series 2、全羊毛纱 Wool (100%) Yarns 3、毛晴纱 Wool/Acrylic Yarns 4、毛涤纱 Wool/Polyester Yarns 5、毛粘纱 Wool...

#Suzy纽约时装周:乐享Tommy Hilfiger -即时满足顾客需求的码头秀...

[5] 齐振普, 张敏, 王淑娟,等. 改良双缩脲双试剂二点终点法测定血清总蛋白的研究与应用[C]// 中国检验医学中青年论坛. 中华检验医学杂志编辑委员会;中华医学会检验医学分会, 2005 . [6]...

#SuzyLFW Inventive And Audacious: Forever London - VOGUE时尚...

It seems that every nice girl loves a sailor’s thick-knit sweater, a wool bomber jacket, a leather biker top and a boyfriend woollen top with an anchor piercing the breast line. Every symbol of the yachting world ...


Firstview "And I am using cotton for the first time too," said the designer, who is best known for winter woollen tailoring and summer silks. Firstview Using casual material - and especially denim - in a relatively f...
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