Xenobots最初是一个由大约3000个细胞组成的球体,可以繁殖,但会很快消亡。为了使其繁殖更高效,研究人员借助人工智能测试了数十亿种体型,最终将Xenobots母体确定为"C形",外观酷似80年代的电子游戏《 吃豆人 》。
Currently, xenobots are primarily used as a scientific tool to understand how cells cooperate to build complex bodies during morphogenesis. [1] However, the behavior and biocompatibility of current xenobots suggest several potential applications to which they may be put in the future.. Xenobots are composed solely of frog cells, making them biodegradable and environmentally friendly robots.
与团队之前开发的Xenobots不同的是, Anthrobots 不需要镊子或手术刀来赋予它们形状,而且无需使用胚胎细胞,而是可以使用成人细胞,甚至是来自 ...
全文共2782字,预计学习时长7分钟. 图源:active-robots. 提到AI你会想到什么?机器人、电脑芯片、语音助手还是无人驾驶?最近,来自佛蒙特大学和 塔夫茨大学 的科学家将人工智能技术提升到了一个全新的水平。. 来认识一下xenobots吧,这是第一个活体机器人,它可以进行自我修复,使用的皮肤和心脏 ...
This way, when xenobots are inserted into the body to detect/remove tumorous cells, the body would not treat them as an alien entity, meaning that unwanted immune responses can be avoided. Similarly, xenobots could be deployed in the arteries of heart patients to undo dangerous clogging. Even with these few purposes, xenobots would become a ...
The same team that built the first living robots ("Xenobots," assembled from frog cells—reported in 2020) has discovered that these computer-designed and hand-assembled organisms can swim out into their tiny dish, find single cells, gather hundreds of them together, and assemble "baby" Xenobots inside their Pac-Man-shaped "mouth ...
去年,该研究团队用非洲爪蟾早期胚胎中的皮肤和心脏细胞组装成一种全新的生命形式,创造出全球首个活体机器人"Xenobots"(异种机器人)。 此次全新升级的Xenobots 3.0仅有毫米大小,既不是传统的机器人,也不是一种动物,而是活的、可编程的有机体。
Xenobots 3.0仅有毫米宽度,既不是传统的机器人,也不是一种动物,而是活的、可编程的有机体。 研究人员发现,如果将足够多的异种机器人放置在培养皿中彼此靠近,它们会聚集并开始将其他漂浮在溶液中的单个干细胞堆叠起来。
去年,该研究团队用非洲爪蟾早期胚胎中的皮肤和心脏细胞组装成一种全新的生命形式,创造出全球首个活体机器人"Xenobots"(异种机器人)。 此次全新升级的Xenobots 3.0仅有毫米大小,既不是传统的机器人,也不是一种动物,而是活的、可编程的有机体。
Potential Applications of Xenobots. Inching towards practical applications, Xenobots are still in the initial phase of development. Nevertheless, the intermixing of molecular biology with artificial intelligence gets the chance to be applied for a number of functions, such as collecting microplastics from the water bodies, checking the root systems and regenerative medicine.