


Zambia Law Development Commission Launches the Strategic Plan ...

THE FUTURE OF ZLDC. With the 2021-2026 strategic plan, the Commission shall continue to provide principled, progressive new laws and be a catalyst of change while responding to the ever-changing needs of the public we serve. The ZLDC is committed to ensuring that the public, government ministries and departments, media and civil society ...

Zambia Law Development Commission - Grassroots Justice Network

The Zambia Law Development Commission was established under the ZLDC Act chapter 32 of the laws of Zambia in 1996 to conduct law reform. Its functions are to: a.) Revise and reform the law in Zambia; b.) Codify unwritten laws in Zambia; c.) Review and consider proposals for law reform referred to the Commission by...

FAQs - Zambia Law Development Commission

The ZLDC does not hold exclusive authority to review and develop the law. Ministries and civil Society Organisations through their advocacy work do conduct activities for law reform and development, and have caused Bills to be presented before Parliament without the input or participation of the Commission.

Zambia Law Development Commission

Plot No. 26F, Cheetah Road, Kabulonga, P.O Box 34670, Lusaka, Zambia. Tel: +260 (211) 26 1976 Email:Research@zambialawdevelopment.org

Zambia Law Development Commission | Lusaka - Facebook

The Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) is a semi-autonomous Government grant aided institution. Zambia Law Development Commission, Lusaka. 13,095 likes · 6 talking about this. The Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) is a semi-autonomous...

Zambia Law Development Commission - YouTube

The Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) is a corporate body established by an Act of Parliament, the Zambia Law Development Commission Act, Chapter 32 of the Laws of Zambia. The primary ...

Understanding the Role of the Zambia Law Development Commission

The Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) is an essential institution in Zambia's legal framework, established to modernize, harmonize, and reform the country's legal system. As Zambia continues to evolve politically, socially, and economically, the ZLDC serves as a bridge between the existing laws and the changing needs of society. ...

Zambia Law Development Commission | LinkedIn

The Zambia Law Development Commission which can be referred to as 'the ZLDC' or the 'Commission' has been in existence for 26 years. It started as a department in the Ministry of Justice.

Zambia Law Development Commission Act - National Assembly of Zambia

An Act to establish the Zambia Law Development Commission; to define the functions of the Zambia Law Development Commission; to repeal and replace the Law Development Commission and Institute for Legislative Drafting Act and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing.

ZLDC hands over proposed draft Public Gatherings Bill to Government

The Zambia Law Development Commission (ZLDC) has handed over the review of the draft Amendment Bill Public Order Act, Chapter 113 of the laws of Zambia and the proposed draft Public Gatherings ...
