Dyson has been always known for producing pricey premium products, similar to Apple's offerings in the smartphone and laptop world. They even have the same design philosophy as the products are clean, minimal and easy to use. The new Dyson AM11 Pure Cool Link is probably the most expensive compact air purifier for home use. There's been a ...
The Dyson AM11 Pure Cool purifier fan is wrapped with a 360 degree, vacuum-sealed glass HEPA filter that removes 99.97% of allergens and pollutants as small as 0.3 microns from your home including pollen, bacteria and pet dander. A layer of activated carbon granules captures odors and harmful toxins like paint fumes. Purification all year round.
Comparing the Dyson AM11 vs TP02 in Detail. When it comes to the design, Dyson made sure that all their air purifier fans including the AM11 and TP02 do not have any visible fast-spinning blades that could cause injuries or harm. The bladeless design is unique to design and is consistent with all their fan lineups.
Dyson Pure Cool 型號為 AM11. 外型有銀色和藍色兩種選擇 . 開箱後維持Dyson過去風扇的簡約設計,基本上也是分為下半部主機部分和上半部出風口 . 不過在組合的部分,與過去Dyson無扇葉風扇不同的是,採用固定卡榫設計,過去像是AM07等機種都是採旋轉式扣具
戴森这款净化器的官方型号是"AM11",同时还有一个英文名字叫做"pure cool"。这款净化器和戴森的经典产品:无扇叶风扇(也叫空气倍增器)有着 ...
先讲个笑话~ 有人问我们北京人为什么这么牛逼,我默默地做了个深呼吸,然后笑着看着他。他不服,学我,也做个深呼吸该男,卒,享年22岁可惜我不是这里面这
Dyson AM11 在外观上维持着 Dyson 气流倍增器一贯的设计,整体而言最接近大厦式的 AM07,但在底座的部份,比 AM07 还大了一圈。这是因为它的进风口外套了一圈滤网,不然如果把滤网拿起来就会发现,其实里面和其他的气流倍增器没有太大的不同。
它 独一无二 戴森am11空气净化风扇评测. 高增长率,让空气净化器成为家电领域增长速度最快的产品。然而,受到产品结构的局限性,目前的空气净化器都没有办法摆脱"同质化"的局限性。在数以万计的空气净化器产品中难有个性鲜明、令人过目不忘的精品出现。
Dyson 戴森 AM11 Pure Cool 空气净化风扇 . 2015-06-09 15:04:12 103 点赞 224收藏 117评论 ...