求助~~金融里的diversification 怎么用英文解释
求助~~金融里的diversification 怎么用英文解释分散风险Diversification in finance is a risk management technique, related to hedging, that mixes a wide variety of investments within a portfolio.Diversifi
DIVERSIFICATION翻译:多样化, (产品或服务的)多样化。了解更多。
介绍三个常见的,并给一些直观解释和简短评论。为了方便讨论,我以股票市场举例,其他市场或是跨资产组合可以用同样的方法拓展。 1 资产组合中的股票数量 N -- 越大越好 这个最容易理解,资产组合中的股票数量越多则非系统风险越小(对于这点不熟悉的请参考 陈皇宇 Renco:为什么市场不为 ...
Diversification is the act of investing in a variety of different industries, areas, and financial instruments, in order to reduce the risk that all the investments will drop in price at the same time.
The diversification of determinant coefficients analysis was consistent with that of path analysis.
DIVERSIFICATION翻譯:多樣化, (產品或服務的)多樣化。了解更多。
Diversification is regarded as an efficient means that can decentre a companie's operation risk. 元 营组合常被认为是分散企业 营中来自产品和市场风险的一种较为可行的方式。
Diversification is a set of strategies for allocating assets among different investments to maximize growth opportunities while limiting the risk and volatility of a portfolio.