薯片是被一个叫george grum的大厨于1863年发明的 翻译成英文
薯片是被一个叫george grum的大厨于1863年发明的 翻译成英文Potato chips were invented by a man named George grum in 1863 .
Certain details argue against the vengeful cook legend. First, to the best of anyone's knowledge, George Crum never made the claim that he had invented the potato chip, let alone claimed the tale ...
Born George Speck around the year 1824 to a Native-American mother and African-American father, he worked as a hunter and guide in upper New York state. During this time, his reputation as a cook earned him a position at Moon's Lake House Restaurant on Saratoga Lake, where wealthy New England patrons built their summer camps. ...
The potato chip (aka crisps) was invented in 1853 by George Crum. The son of an African-American father and a Native American mother, Crum was a chef at the Moon Lake Lodge resort in Saratoga Springs, New York, USA. French fries were popular at the restaurant and one day a diner complained that the fries were too thick. Although Crum made a ...
纽约上州有一个游览胜地萨拉托加泉水镇,镇上一家月亮湖度假别墅是名人荟萃之处。据说,1853 年的一天,一位贵客在月亮湖的餐厅吃饭,所点菜肴中带有法式炸土豆。他嫌土豆切的太厚,叫送回厨房重做,两次三番都不满意,餐厅大厨乔治·克鲁姆心中恼怒,有意作弄一下这个挑剔的食客,就把 ...
这种形式的事件最终变得如此有根有据,以至于在1976年,《美国遗产》杂志配音了克鲁姆(Crum),也称为乔治·斯佩克(George Speck),"油脂爱迪生"。 不幸的是,Crum的故事有几个问题。例如,如果有一个心怀不满的小餐馆,那几乎肯定不是范德比尔特。
According to a traditional story, the original potato chip recipe was created in Saratoga Springs, New York on August 24, 1853. Agitated by a patron repeatedly sending his fried potatoes back because they were too thick, soggy and bland, resort hotel chef, George Crum, decided to slice the potatoes as thin as possible, frying them until crisp and seasoning them with extra salt.
George Crum opened his own restaurant in the 1860s in Malta, New York, now marked with a historic marker. Peter Flass / Wikipedia / CC BY 4.0 Crum's chips remained a local delicacy until the 1920s when a salesman and entrepreneur named Herman Lay (yes, that Lay) began traveling throughout the south and introducing potato chips to different ...
另一个版本的故事是,George的妹妹在与他一起工作时无意中发明了这种薯片。 在她切土豆的时候,一块非常薄的掉进了油锅里,被炸脆了。 她发明的薯片被叫做"萨拉托加薯片" (Saratoga chips) 为了纪念她的贡献,1924年她以102岁高龄辞世时,人们在她的讣告里写 ...