



“against god”是什么意思?against god:亵渎神灵、对上帝不敬。The West think it is a horrible thing against god. 西方人认为对上帝不敬是件可怕的事情。Your writings were bran...

clock是时钟,那against the clock是什么意思?

Against是一个常用的介词,常见的意思是“反对、相反、对……不利”,如“违背某人的意志”是against one's will,“违法”是against the law。但是有时候,我们会发现against翻译为上面这...

外国客户说“hope against hope”,让很多人不懂,到底什么意思

against the clock的意思是“to do something as fast as possible and try to finish it before a certain time”,即“抢时间;争分夺秒”。这句习语最早源于1857年的《The Freeman's...

eat your heart out可不是“吃你的心”呀!那是什么意思?

“hope”有“希望”的意思,可是当外国客户说“hope against hope”时,很多人不懂它的真实意思!一起来学习吧!是一个非常地道的表达哦!1.“hope against hope”是啥意思?学习一个单...

you can you up no can no bb什么意思 you can you up是什么梗

这个习语是在发誓的时候用的,意思就是:你发誓自己说的是事实。 I cross my heart and hope to die. She's coming tomorrow! 我以死起誓。她明天会来的! Do you cross your heart and hope to die? I won't believe you ot...


Translated from Chinglish. If you can do it then you should go up and do it. It's used against people who criticize others' work, especially when the criticizer is not that much better. Often followed by "no can...


1.图片居中的英文是什么意思? “She was discriminated against because she was Asian。”(她受歧视,因为来自亚洲) 句中所有单词,统一用黑体大写,强调的主题是美国泛滥的种族歧视主义...
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