


SW 472 : Social Work in Health Care: Scholarly Journal Articles

AgeLine focuses exclusively on the population aged 50+ and issues of aging. AgeLine is the premier source for the literature of social gerontology and includes aging-related content from the health sciences, psychology, sociology, social work, economics, and public policy.

SW 472 : Social Work in Health Care: Citations & Plagiarism

Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network. Users can manage and organize their references, create and share annotations, collaborate with other users, and discover new content in their areas of interest.

SW 472 : Social Work in Health Care: Background Information

Start by finding out the basics about your topic and it's context within the field of social work and social policy. Encyclopedias and reference books (e.g. handbooks, dictionaries, etc.) are a starting point to gather knowledge on a topic that is new to you. They can be a used to supplement your textbook readings and will help you understand how your topic fits into a broader context.

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SW472: Site Statistics. There are 21,265 items in the Brickset database; Brickset members have written 39,906 set reviews; 11,065 members have logged in in the last 24 hours, 22,876 in the last 7 days, 36,836 in the last month; 448 people have joined this week. There are now 338,881 members;

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Geraldine Moore Manahan - Rate My Professors

SW472. Mar 30th, 2021. Quality. 5.0. Difficulty. 2.0. SW472. Mar 30th, 2021. For Credit: Yes. Attendance: Mandatory. Would Take Again: Yes. Grade: A+. Textbook: Yes. Online Class: Yes. Participate in class! She is a fair grader and really sweet person. As long as you do the work you'll get an A. I would take all the classes she teaches if I could.

Simmons University - SW472

In this course students will gain relevant knowledge and practice skills in order to practice motivational interviewing and dialectical behavior therapy with diverse client populations in an array of settings.

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