be interestedin
Synonyms for be interested in include care, worry, bother, mind, appreciate, enjoy, favor, favour, be bothered and be concerned. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com!
Find 68 different ways to say BE INTERESTED IN, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.
Synonyms for interested in include keen, into, attracted, besotted, bewitched, captivated, enamored, enamoured, crazed and enticed. Find more similar words at ...
BE INTERESTED IN - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus
INTERESTED definition: 1. wanting to give your attention to something and discover more about it: 2. relating to a person…. Learn more.
632 other terms for be interested in- words and phrases with similar meaning
be interested in. burden oneself with. concern oneself. concern oneself with. get worked up. give a hang. give a hoot. give a monkey's. give a rap. give a tinker's curse. give a tinker's damn. have regard for. interest oneself in. lose sleep over. regard highly. take to. trouble oneself with. trouble yourself. worry oneself. give a light. lose ...
If you are interested in something, you think it is important and you are keen to learn more about it or spend time doing it. I wasn't particularly interested in physics. American English: interested / ˈɪntərɛstɪd, -trɪstɪd /
How to Use "Interested In" or "Interested On" in a Sentence. Let's look at how to use "interested in" and "interested on" in sentences. Remember, "interested on" is generally incorrect, but we'll show you how it's sometimes misused. Interested In. I am interested in learning how to cook. She is interested in the new book release.
515 other terms for interested in- words and phrases with similar meaning