CSSCI is an interdisciplinary citation index program in China that covers about 500 academic journals of humanities and social sciences. It is used for evaluation of academic achievements and promotion by many leading Chinese universities and institutes.
CSSCI is a database of journals in various social and humanities fields developed by Nanjing University. It covers more than 2,700 journals and provides quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods to select source journals.
Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI, Chinese: 中文社会科学引文索引) is an interdisciplinary citation index program in China. It was developed by Nanjing University since 1997 and was established in 2000. This citation database covers about 500 Chinese academic journals of humanities and social sciences. Now many leading Chinese universities and institutes use CSSCI as a ...
This article analyzes the foreign language references cited by China's domestically published social science papers to measure the internationalization of Chinese social sciences. It finds that the number and proportion of international knowledge sources increased, and the distribution of languages became more concentrated in English.
From the application point of view, this article introduces the framework of the Chinese Social Science Citation Index (CSSCI). It expounds the idea of designing the CSSCI system, and its major functions and features in particular. The data organization as well as data encoding methods of the CSSCI system is well explained. Moreover, this article elaborates on how the citation index data can ...
Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI, Chinese: 中文社会科学引文索引) is an interdisciplinary citation index program in China. It was developed by Nanjing University of China Academy of Social Sciences Research Evaluation Center and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology in 1998 and was established in 2000. This citation database covers about 500 Chinese academic ...
CSSCI is a citation index program that covers about 500 Chinese academic journals from the humanities and social sciences. It is used by many leading Chinese universities and institutes for evaluation and promotion of academic achievements.
CSSCI provides an efficient tool for people to obtain information about Chinese social science research. Its CD-ROM disks have been manufactured and a Web site has been set up for people to search ...