


Distributed Locks with Redis | Docs

Redlock is a safe and liveness-guaranteed algorithm to implement distributed locks with Redis. It uses multiple Redis instances and a random value to avoid race conditions and deadlocks.

redlock - npm

Redlock is a library that provides distributed redis locks with strong guarantees and fault tolerance. It uses ioredis to connect to multiple redis nodes or clusters and supports using, acquiring, extending and releasing locks with promises and signals.

Redlock - BetaWiki

Redlock is a text-based tool that replicates Microsoft's original Redpill implementation for Windows 8 builds from 7779 to 8121. It allows users to enable the Immersive Browser and customize the accent color on various early builds of Windows 8.

Redis Lock - Redis

Learn about Redis Lock, a technique to coordinate access to shared resources in a distributed system. Explore basic and advanced locking mechanisms, challenges and best practices in Redis.

Implementing Distributed Locks with Redis: A Practical Guide - codedamn

The Redlock Algorithm The Redlock algorithm is a distributed lock algorithm proposed by Salvatore Sanfilippo, the creator of Redis. The algorithm ensures that a lock can be safely acquired by only one node in a distributed system, even if there are multiple Redis instances.

How to do distributed locking — Martin Kleppmann's blog

A critical analysis of the Redlock algorithm for implementing fault-tolerant distributed locks on top of Redis. The author argues that Redlock is not suitable for correctness-critical locking, and explains the challenges and pitfalls of distributed locking in general.

RedLock - Distributed locks with Redis and Python - GitHub

RedLock is a Python library that implements the RedLock algorithm to create distributed locks with multiple Redis masters. It provides a similar API to threading.Lock and supports with statement and context manager.

GitHub - leandromoreira/redlock-rb: Redlock is a redis-based ...

Redlock::Client expects URLs, or configurations or Redis objects on initialization. Redis objects should be used for configuring the connection in more detail, i.e. setting username and password. Redis objects should be used for configuring the connection in more detail, i.e. setting username and password.

GitHub - mike-marcacci/node-redlock: A node.js redlock implementation ...

Redlock is a node.js library that uses the redlock algorithm to provide distributed, highly-available redis locks. It supports ioredis clients, error handling, API guidance, and high-availability recommendations.

redlock - npm

Redlock. This is a node.js implementation of the redlock algorithm for distributed redis locks. It provides strong guarantees in both single-redis and multi-redis environments, and provides fault tolerance through use of multiple independent redis instances or clusters.
