Wither is a verb that means to become dry and sapless, to lose vitality or force, or to make speechless. It can also be a noun meaning withers. Learn more about its usage, history, and related words.
Find 99 similar and opposite words for withered, an adjective meaning shriveled, dried, or faded. Also, see the past tense and past participle of wither, a verb meaning to lose liveliness or vigor.
If someone or something is shriveled or shrunken with age, it is withered. If your skin is looking a little withered from being out in the sun all the time, it's time for a really good moisturizer.
WITHERED is an adjective that means dry and decaying, or old-fashioned. It can also describe a limb that has not grown properly due to disease. See examples, pronunciation and translations in different languages.
Withered means dry and decaying, or old-fashioned. It can also describe a limb that has not grown properly due to disease. Learn how to pronounce and use this word with examples and translations.
Wither is a verb that means to become weak, dry, and decay, or to slowly disappear or lose importance. Learn how to use it in sentences with synonyms, antonyms, and related words.
Withered means shriveled, shrunken, or faded from loss of moisture or sustenance. It can describe a person, a plant, or a limb. See synonyms, translations, and usage examples from various sources.
Learn the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and usage of the verb 'wither' and its related forms. Find out how 'wither' can describe the drying up of plants, the loss of vitality, or the abashment of someone.
Learn the meaning and usage of the adjective withered, which describes something or someone that is thin, old, or weak. Find out how to pronounce it, what words are similar to it, and how to use it in sentences.
Learn the meaning and usage of the adjective 'withered', which describes someone or something thin and old or weak. See examples, synonyms, pronunciation and translations of 'withered'.