...no idea. i have not idea的区别是什么呢 ideas不对吧?
这种情况下,复数形式"ideas"被用来强调没有提出过任何具体的点子或解决方案。 总的来说,选择"I have no idea"还是"I have no ideas"取决于说话者想要传达的具体信息和语境。单数形式"Idea"强调一个具体想法,而复数形式"ideas"则表示没有提出过任何想法或点子。
"I have no idea"通常表示对某个主题或问题完全没有理解或知识。相对的,"I have no ideas"则意味着在面对某个情境或挑战时,缺乏创意或解决问题的点子。前者强调的是理解上的不足,而后者则侧重于缺乏解决方案或建议。
但这里有一个问题大家需要注意区分,之间遇到过有人问,如果idea变成了ideas,区别是什么呢?个人觉得,当你想表达真的不知道,无从下手,说I have no idea,复数的ideas常用来表示,有几个想法,但也不敢肯定,这种犹豫语气的"不确定"。
「I have no idea」通常表示對某個主題或問題完全沒有理解或知識。相對的,「I have no ideas」則意味著在面對某個情境或挑戰時,缺乏創意或解決問題的點子。前者強調的是理解上的不足,而後者則側重於缺乏解決方案或建議。
I have no idea"I have no idea" means you literally don't know anything about it. And I don't have idea really doesn't make sense|If you said "I don't have any idea" it is correct|"Ï have no idea" and ''Ï don't have any idea" are the same.|Yes @MetRon but I was telling him how the sentence can be grammatically correct的同义词
I don't have a idea Personally I don't see a difference, but it all depends on context. With "I don't have an idea" they could be referring to a specific situation in which an idea is needed to solve an issue or something, while "I have no idea" is just a casual way of saying "I don't know". Hope this helped!|Both are right, but "I don't have a clue" sounds better than "I don't have an idea ...
"I have no idea" is a strong way to say "I don't know." "I have no ideas" is a little more straightforward, it's a little more clear. It simply means you have no ideas, using the definition of "idea" listed below"
但這裡有一個問題大家需要注意區分,之間遇到過有人問,如果idea變成了ideas,區別是什麼呢?個人覺得,當你想表達真的不知道,無從下手,說I have no idea,複數的ideas常用來表示,有幾個想法,但也不敢肯定,這種猶豫語氣的"不確定"。 例句:
I have no idea的同義字"I have no idea" means you literally don't know anything about it. And I don't have idea really doesn't make sense|If you said "I don't have any idea" it is correct|"Ï have no idea" and ''Ï don't have any idea" are the same.|Yes @MetRon but I was telling him how the sentence can be grammatically correct
【解析】I have no idea 说法正确意思:我不知道/我没有想过/我没有主意.I have no idea=I don't know.常常用来避免重复.no否定